The annual performance review for your health and wellness.

Measure What Matters

Assessment + Learning

Benchmark assesses key indicators of health and predictors of longevity.
We help you understand your results so that you can manage them. 

Now is the time to take a proactive approach to your health and wellness.

"Thank you for an amazing experience. I’ve learned so much and it has changed my life. One of the things that I wasn’t expecting from this is feeling better about myself and increased confidence.”
-- Petal M., Benchmark Member 

Assessments of Key Indicators

Access top tests to establish your personal health "KPIs":

Data Collection & Learning

Collect data over 4 weeks; gain insight into your habits:

Receive Educational Content about key metrics & how to improve them

Personalized Insights & 1:1 Results Review

Receive results with context, insights, and explanation:

Set your personal Benchmark now, then track your progress annually.

Introductory Price: $995 CAD (+HST)

☑️ HSA Eligible in Canada
(consult your plan provider to confirm coverage)

Not yet ready for the full experience? Get started with a DEXA Body Composition Scan.

"This program gave me real data that I never considered part of the equation, and gave me knowledge that I would have never learned by myself!"

-- Benchmark Member, age 33

"I absolutely loved participating! Being able to go in depth and analyze to see if what I am doing is working was so motivating to keep going!"

-- Benchmark Member, age 46

Now is the time to begin optimizing your health.

“The data has provided me with the knowledge to make more informed life choices that will serve my body best….It has also shifted my perspective of investing in my body now to better serve me in the aging process.”

– Benchmark Member, age 39

“I'm excited to see where I am across all the Benchmark tests in the future - I almost can't wait! I'm looking forward to seeing an impact and very interested in doing all the tests again.”

– Benchmark Member, age 42

“Benchmark was an incredible experience! Although my diet is healthy, and I exercise regularly, I was uncertain on specifics. Benchmark provided a baseline, offering tailored suggestions for improvement. I've already made dietary changes, augmented my exercise regimen, and will meet with my primary care physician to consider medical adjustments. I look forward to doing Benchmark again to evaluate and track my progress moving forward.”

– Benchmark Member, age 77

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