Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Benchmark Proactive Health Assessment available?

Currently, Benchmark is available at our location in Burlington, ON, in the Greater Toronto Area. 

We are located at 4200 Fairview St., Unit B1-B, Burlington, ON, within Velocity Sports Medicine. We have plans to extend to other locations in both Canada and the US, so stay tuned!

Is my purchase HSA approved?

We are eligible for some Health Spending Accounts in Ontario. To confirm coverage with your specific plan, please contact your plan provider. Please email us at to request a "pre-determination of benefits" document that you can share with your provider to determine coverage. Similarly, please email us if you'd like an invoice after payment to submit for your HSA reimbursement.

Can I do any of the assessments standalone? 

We currently offer two options: the full Benchmark Proactive Health Assessment (including DEXA Scan) and the Benchmark Body Composition DEXA Scan a la carte. If you get your DEXA Scan, and then decide you'd like to do the full Proactive Health Assessment, simply pay the difference to upgrade to the full experience including all other assessments.

What type of results or recommendations will I receive? 

In your Benchmark Report, you will get your assessment results, along with personalized insights in each area (VO2 Max, Cardiovascular, Metabolic, Strength, and Sleep), and strategies for how you can improve your results. 

Throughout the experience, you will learn about important, modifiable health and wellness metrics. Your results will indicate where you stand on these metrics, and where available, how they compare to relevant benchmarks. Through Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Blood Pressure measurement, and your wearable data, you will see firsthand how your metrics relate to various lifestyle factors throughout your day, and gain actionable insights.

Benchmark focuses on equipping you with new awareness and understanding of the metrics we assess, along with long-term strategies to impact them. We want to give you the knowledge, motivation, and accountability through objective data, to build enduring habits and long-term change. 

What you will not get from Benchmark is a proscriptive regimen to follow, such as a weekly plan for training, nutrition, supplementation, sleep, etc., If you are interested in follow-up plans, coaching, training, or specialist consultation, we would be happy to refer you to anyone in our network of experienced practitioners, and we encourage you to share your Benchmark results with them. 

Does this replace anything I do with my doctor?

No. This is not a doctor-patient relationship, and it does not take the place of any type of care provided by your doctor or other healthcare providers. This is an opportunity to see where you stand on key metrics, identify focused areas for improvement, and learn about strategies to move these metrics. This is for informational purposes only; it is not medical advice. It is not to be used to detect, diagnose or treat disease, or in any way substitute for primary care. For any investigation, diagnosis, or treatment decisions, it is your responsibility to follow up with your primary care providers without delay, and we encourage you to share your results with them. 

How often should I plan to get my Benchmark?

Currently, the Benchmark Proactive Health Assessment is intended to be repeated annually. This will allow you to track changes over time, and create accountability to reassess these metrics, while allowing enough time to create noticeable changes. 

How much time does it take over the 4-week period?

On average, we recommend dedicating approximately 2-3 hours of time per week to participate in your Benchmark assessments and to review the materials we share. This is a commitment; the more attention you can give it, the more benefit you will get! There is enough curated content to keep eager members even busier! 

Do I need to buy any equipment? What do I keep or return?

You do not need to purchase any equipment of your own. 

You will receive a Blood Pressure monitor (to be returned) and a Continuous Glucose Monitor (for your one-time use). We’ll ask you to return the Blood Pressure Monitor when you join us for your final Results Review session (if you choose to do this in person), or we'll send you a shipping label to mail it back to us. If you would like to purchase it, just let us know. 

For wearable data, we currently use the WHOOP. You can sign up for a 30-day trial WHOOP at no cost (we will reimburse you for the $14 shipping fee you're charged). At the end of the trial, you will return your device & battery to WHOOP by mail, or choose to purchase it and have WHOOP charge your credit card for a 12-month membership. Please wait to order your WHOOP trial until we email you with your Setup Steps a week before your Assessment Session.

If you already have a Whoop, you can use it for your Benchmark Proactive Health Assessment. At this time, the WHOOP is the only wearable device we support, but we plan to expand these options in the future.